
Environmental Risk Analysis Methodology according to the Regulatory framework for environmental responsibility

As reported in previous entries to this blog, in recent years there have been modifications in the regulatory framework for environmental responsibility. With the amendment of the Regulation on the partial development of the Law on Environmental Resp …

Approval of the new ECA for Air in Peru

On the 7th of June 2017, the new Environmental Air Quality Standards (Estándar de Calidad Ambiental), ECA for air were published under the Peruvian Supreme Decree Nº 003-2017-MINAM (link in Spanish). This law derogates the previous legal frameworks ( …

Approval of the new ECA for water in Peru

The new Environmental Quality Standard (Estándar de Calidad Ambiental), ECA for water was published on the 7th of June 2017 under the Peruvian Supreme Decree Nª 004-2017-MINAM (link in Spanish). The new standard is a compilation of previous ECA for w …

Remediation technology: Dual Phase Extraction (DPE)

Dual Phase Extraction (High vacuum extraction) is a methodology for decontamination “in situ” of aquifers affected by free phase of light hydrocarbons (light free phase) and contaminated water. Also known as multiphase extraction (MPE, Multi Phase Ex …

What is environmental risk analysis?

Environmental Risk Analysis (ERA) or sometimes known as Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is used to estimate potential environmental risks in order to protect human health or ecosystems from contaminated land and/or water. The objectives of an ERA ar …

Publication of the New Law on Solid Waste Management according to Legislative Decree 1278 in Peru

On the 23rd of December of 2016 the Legislative Decree nº 1278 (in Spanish) was published, which approves the Law on the Integral Management of Solid Waste and replaces Law Nº 27314: General Law of Solid Waste published in the year 2000. This regulat …

Remediation technology: Pump and treat

Pump and treat is often used to remediate groundwater affected by: Presence of dissolved chemicals such as solvents, light fuels, metals etc. Free phase such as Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) such as oils, gasoline, diesel, etc. or Dense Non- …

Waste or By-products

According to the Spanish Law 22/2011 of the 28th of July, on Waste and Soil Contamination by-products is any substance or object originated from a production process whose primary purpose was not the production of this substance or object. Conditions …

Use of inorganic waste in the fertiliser industry

In development of the provisions of (EC) Regulation No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 on fertilisers, the Royal Decree 824/2005 of 8 July on fertiliser products was published. The latter was subsequently re …

Thermal Desorption

La Desorción Térmica es una tecnología que se basa en la aplicación de calor para volatilizar y/o descomponer los compuestos orgánicos que afectan al suelo.

2015 es el año internacional de los suelos

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) ha sido encargada de implementar el Año Internacional de los Suelos 2015 (AIS) en el marco de la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo y en colaboración con los gobiernos y la …

Día mundial del Medio Ambiente

Hoy se celebra el día mundial del medio ambiente. Como todos los años desde 1973 el 5 de junio se celebra este día, como una forma de concienciar a la sociedad para que se conviertan en agentes activos del desarrollo sostenible y equitativo, promovie …


El lindano es un isómero del hexaclorociclohexano (HCH). El HCH es una sustancia artificial sintetizada por Faraday, descubridor del benceno, en 1825 mediante la reacción de benceno y cloro en presencia de luz. Existen ocho isómeros principales de HC …

Hazardous Industrial Waste

Un residuo peligroso es aquel que presenta una o varias de las características peligrosas enumeradas en el anexo III y aquél que pueda aprobar el Gobierno de conformidad con lo establecido en la normativa europea o en los convenios internacionales de …

Asegre y las empresas de Gestión de Residuos especiales

La Asociación de Empresas Gestoras de Residuos y Recursos Especiales – ASEGRE -agrupa a más de 70 empresas españolas del sector de Gestión de Residuos Especiales para coordinar y representar los derechos de sus asociados.

Types of waste: classification

It is essential to classify correctly the different types of waste according to their origin, composition and danger, among others.

Asbestos: Principal properties

Definition and characteristics Asbestos is the generic name given to a group of silicate minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.), with a fibrous and crystalline structure, and that can be divided into filaments. This mineral can be found in all par …