Hazardous waste treatment facility and landfill, Cetransa (Valladolid)

Postal address:

Ctra. Cabezón Km 6.200, 47155 Santovenia de Pisuerga. Valladolid, (Castilla y León), Spain

phone/s: +34 983 310 520

Fax: +34 983 25 94 93

Email: info@emgrisa.es

Opening hours:  8:30-13:30 y 15:00-18:00

Environmental Authorisation for the Treatment of Waste and Disposal of Hazardous Waste (Orden de 1 de agosto de 2008 de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Castilla y León).

Emgrisa has 30% share holding in the Centro de Transferencia S.A. (Cetransa) company, established to develop the activities relating to the management and treatment of hazardous industrial waste in the Autonomous Region of Castilla y León.

The complex consists of a physical-chemical waste treatment plant for a wide range of hazardous waste, a waste transfer centre and an inertisation plant. It also possesses one of the best secure landfills for hazardous waste in Spain with a capacity of 800,000 m3, being the only hazardous landfill authorised in the Region of Castilla y León.

The facility possesses the Environmental Authorisation for the Treatment of Waste and Disposal of Hazardous Waste (Orden de 1 de agosto de 2008 de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Castilla y León) as well as the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management.


Santiago Rusiñol, 12 · 28040 Madrid (España)

+34 91 411 92 15


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