Accreditations & Certifications
Emgrisa is committed to continually improve, pursue and to respond to the needs and expectations of our clients and the society while respecting and protecting the environment, maintaining a quality service and health & safety. This is shown by the different certifications, accreditations and authorizations issued in favour of Emgrisa in the fields listed below.
Integrated Management System
Quality, Environment and Health & Safety Management System certified by SGS according to standards ISO 9001 (certificate Nº.: ES10/9160), ISO 14001 (certificate Nº.: ES05/0947) y OHSAS 18001 (certificate Nº. ES11/9314 for all of its activities and facilities.
Contaminated Land & Groundwater
EMGRISA is an inspection body accredited by ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Accreditation, or National Accreditation Agency), since October 2002, in accordance to UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004 standard, with accreditation no.: 71/EI076, for “activities related to the environmental inspection of potentially contaminated land and associated groundwater”.
Inspection body for soil quality (Resolution 02/04/2009) and remediation (Resolution 13/09/2009) for the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country.
Official inspection body in environmental quality for the Government of the Autonomous Region of Valencia (nº 47/ECMCA), in accordance to Resolution of 11th of December 2006, Ref.: Expediente 55/06 R.ECAS CTL/PCR.
Official inspection body in environmental quality for the Government of the Autonomous Region of Andalucía (nº REC023), in accordance to Resolution of 07th of September 2015.
Official inspection body on contaminated land for the Autonomous Region of Extremadura in accordance to Decree 49/2015 of March 30th, DOE Nº64, date 04/06/2015, (Official register nº ESC0100215EX).
Authorised control organism (OCA) of the Department of the Environment of the Government of the Region of Galicia for matters related to contaminated land.
Accredited control organism in the Autonomous Region of Castilla y León in the field of environmental inspections: potentially contaminated land and groundwater.
Integrated Environmental Authorisation for the Industrial Waste Transfer centre located in Alcázar de San Juan: AAI-CR-068.
Unified Environmental Authorisation for the Industrial Waste Transfer centre located in Mérida: AAU_12.081.
Inscribed in the Waste Transport Registry in the Community of Madrid and valid for the entire country, with registration numbers: 13T01A1900003414W to transport hazardous waste and 13T02A1800003319C for non hazardous waste.
Authorised to handle asbestos waste as per inscription in the Registry of Companies Exposed to Asbestos Risk (Registro de Empresas con Riesgo de Amianto RERA), with reference number 2800166.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Entity for the auditing and external control of activities subject to Environmental Impact Assessments for the Autonomous region of Castilla La Mancha, (Authorisation nº AECE-0105).
Inscribed in the Registry of Accredited Companies in the construction sector as a contractor or sub-contractor (reference number: 12/28/0024930).