Emgrisa collaborates in a study on energy generation in a wastewater treatment plant in Argentina
Published 25/07/17
Emgrisa is participating, in collaboration with the consultancy company ITAC, in the study of alternatives for the financing, construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant in the city of Salta in Argentina.
This study is financed by the World Bank who is committed in supporting the Government of Argentina. In particular, Objective 6 of the Objectives of Sustainable development formulated by the World Bank: “Guarantee the availability of water and its sustainable management and treatment for everybody.” Specifically, in this case, to pursue the development of municipal and provincial sanitation services.
The project started in April of this year focusing on the Compañía Aguas del Norte which is a company 90% publicly owned who oversees the provision of drinking water and the treatment of wastewater in the Province of Salta. At present, Aguas del Norte provides potable water to nearly the entire province some 92 localities and 8 areas with more than 1,000,000 habitants as well as providing technical assistance in the rest of the populations in the province.
There are two wastewater treatment plants in the zone that are connected to approximately 135,000 homes in the city of Salta: Southern Wastewater Treatment Plant (88%) and the Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant (12%). The study is centred on the alternatives for financing, construction and operation of the Southern Plant.
The Southern Wastewater Treatment Plant needs a refurbishment. It was designed for a treatment flow of 120,000 m3 per day of wastewater, but the real capacity is 86,000 m3 per day and as such it is undersized.
The work performed by Emgrisa consists of a basic sizing of the plant considering various alternatives:
- Generation of electrical energy with bio-gas.
- Generation of electricity and drying of sludge.
- Generation of electricity, drying of sludge and incineration of dried sludge.
- Incineration of both sludge and organic matter from the urban or municipal solid waste landfill that exists next to the plant.
Source of the photograph: www.aguasdelnortesalta.com.ar