
EMGRISA collaborates in DSEAR PLAN

EMGRISA collaborates in DSEAR PLAN
EMGRISA has collaborated with the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge in the preparation of the National Plan for Wastewater Treatment, Sanitation, Efficiency, Savings and Reuse (DSEAR Plan) whose final and consolidated version was approved by Order TED/801/2021, of July 14. The Plan is shaped as a governance instrument that aims to incorporate, […]

Enagas and Emgrisa collaborate to develop Biomethane

Enagas and Emgrisa collaborate to develop Biomethane
Enagás and Emgrisa (Empresa para la Gestión de Residuos Industriales, S.A., S.M.E., M.P.) Collaborate together to develop biomethane. For this, both companies are working on a feasibility study in one of Emgrisa’s waste treatment plants, located in the municipality of Juzbado, in Salamanca. The objective is to modify this facility to produce biomethane from the […]

ENAC extends Emgrisa´s Acreditacion scope

ENAC extends Emgrisa´s Acreditacion scope
ENAC  renews Emgrisa´s accreditation services and extends scope to the Quantitative Risk Analisys (QRA).

Participation of Emgrisa in the final Workshop of the project “Minamata Initial Assessment” for Western African countries

Participation of Emgrisa in the final Workshop of the project “Minamata Initial Assessment” for Western African countries
Emgrisa participated in the workshop at the end of the project – Minamata Initial Assessment – for Western African countries, which took place in Dakar (Senegal) between the 12th and 14th of December 2017. Its main objective was to share experiences and lessons learned in the early stages of the implementation of the Minamata Convention […]

Emgrisa Peru Office participates in the 33rd edition of the PERUMIN Mining Convention

Emgrisa Peru Office participates in the 33rd edition of the PERUMIN Mining Convention
Perumin-Mining Convention is one of the main global events within mining sector. The event is organised by the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru which was founded in 1943 and whose aim is to promote and carry out activities that contribute to the professional and technical development of the mining sector.

Emgrisa moves to new headquarters

Emgrisa moves to new headquarters
Emgrisa has changed its headquarters and we are now located in C/ Santiago Rusiñol, 12, 28040 Madrid.

Modification of the relation of potentially polluting activities on soil (Annex I of the Royal Decree 9/2005)

Modification of the relation of potentially polluting activities on soil (Annex I of the Royal Decree 9/2005)
On the 9th of November 2017 an Order amending Annex I of the Royal Decree 9/2005, of the 14th of January, which establishes the relationship of potentially contaminating activities and the criteria and standards for the declaration of contaminated soils was published (link in Spanish).

Emgrisa sponsors the 2nd Technology Workshop for the Agriculture Cooperative Sector of the Region of Castilla La Mancha

Emgrisa sponsors the 2nd Technology Workshop for the Agriculture Cooperative Sector of the Region of Castilla La Mancha
Emgrisa sponsored the 2nd Workshop for the Diffusion of Technological Innovation in the Agriculture Cooperative Sector of Castilla La Mancha – jornada DICA in Spanish –  that was organised by Solagro Partner Engineers and the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Toledo (UTECO) and took place in the city of Toledo on Thursday, the 9th of […]

Date limit for the constitution of the financial security of activities referred to in the law of environmental responsibility

Date limit for the constitution of the financial security of activities referred to in the law of environmental responsibility
On the 30th of October 2017 the Official State Bulletin (B.O.E.) published the APM Order 1040/2017 (link in Spanish) of the 23rd of October through which it sets the date limit for the compulsory constitution of the financial security. After this date, it will be enforceable for those activities listed in Annex III of Law No 26/2007 […]

Emgrisa participated with 40 EU companies in the Circular Economy Mission to Colombia

Emgrisa participated with 40 EU companies in the Circular Economy Mission to Colombia
The Directorate-General for the Environment of the European Commission invited Emgrisa as well as another 40 EU companies to participate in the Circular Economy Mission to Colombia which was held from the 16th of October to the 20th of October 2017.

Emgrisa participates in the Mission of Circular Economy to Colombia promoted by the European Commission

Emgrisa participates in the Mission of Circular Economy to Colombia promoted by the European Commission
The Directorate-General for the Environment of the European Commission has invited Emgrisa to participate in the mission on Circular Economy to Colombia from the 16th to the 20th of October 2017. The objective of the mission is to promote the rapprochement of the European Union with Colombia to promote the challenges laid down by Europe […]

Emgrisa reaffirms its commitment with UN Global Compact

Emgrisa reaffirms its commitment with UN Global Compact
Emgrisa has reaffirmed its support for the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption, adhering to the UN Global Compact in 2016.

Participation of Emgrisa in the Conference on Spanish Strategy towards Circular Economy

Participation of Emgrisa in the Conference on Spanish Strategy towards Circular Economy
On September the 18th 2017, a Conference on the Spanish Strategy towards Circular Economy was organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.

Emgrisa collaborates with United Nations on the identification of POP in Trinidad and Tobago

Emgrisa collaborates with United Nations on the identification of POP in Trinidad and Tobago
Emgrisa has been awarded the project of evaluating sites potentially contaminated by Persistent Organic Pollutants, POP, in Trinidad and Tobago.

Emgrisa participates in a Seminar about Management of Solid Waste in Lima

Emgrisa participates in a Seminar about Management of Solid Waste in Lima
From July 4th through July 6th, the Emgrisa Office in Peru gave a seminar to the Sociedad Nacional de Industrias (SNI) about the correct management of solid waste. The seminar was lectured to environmental professionals from diverse production sectors included in the Advanced Training Program of SNI.

Peru Office of Emgrisa participates in the ELAN Network on technological solutions

Peru Office of Emgrisa participates in the ELAN Network on technological solutions
On July 4th and 5th, the Emgrisa office in Peru participated in the Peru 2017 ELAN Network event “Technological solutions for a comprehensive urban growth”, organised in Lima by the National Society of Industries (SNI) in collaboration with the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC), Technological Institute of Production (ITP) and Tecnalia.

Emgrisa collaborates in a study on energy generation in a wastewater treatment plant in Argentina

Emgrisa collaborates in a study on energy generation in a wastewater treatment plant in Argentina
Emgrisa is participating, in collaboration with the consultancy company ITAC, in the study of alternatives for the financing, construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant in the city of Salta in Argentina.

Emgrisa collaborates in the writing of a guide on the management of stockpiles of used tyres

Emgrisa collaborates in the writing of a guide on the management of stockpiles of used tyres
Emgrisa has written the Guide in Spanish on the management of stockpiles of used tyres: Risk prevention, waste management and restauration., in collaboration with the Department of Quality and Environmental Evaluation and Nature of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment, which has just been published on their website.

Emgrisa collaborates with the Government of Aragón in the drafting of the Strategic Environmental Action Plan against Lindane waste contamination

Emgrisa collaborates with the Government of Aragón in the drafting of the Strategic Environmental Action Plan against Lindane waste contamination
Emgrisa collaborated with the Government of Aragón in drafting of the “Strategic Environmental Action Plan against lindane waste contamination“, which was published in December 2016.

Emgrisa presents its new webpage

Emgrisa presents its new webpage
Emgrisa presents its new webpage offering a more user friendly, modern and simplified format making it easier to find information of our services, projects and other information.


Santiago Rusiñol, 12 · 28040 Madrid (España)

+34 91 411 92 15

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