Announcement of the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders of EMGRISA, S.M.E., M.P.

Published 24/05/17

By agreement of the Board of Directors, the Ordinary General Meeting for shareholders is to be held in Madrid, in the registered office, Calle Conde de Peñalver 38, 3rd Floor, Madrid, on 26th June 2017, at 9:30 hours, if there is no quorum on the first date, a second date is scheduled on June 27th, in the same place and time, with the following agenda:


  1. Examination and approval, if applicable, the Annual Accounts and the Management Report for the year 2016, ending 31st December, if applicable, and approval of the proposal for implementing the results referred to the financial year 2016 and of the management of the administrative organ.
  2. Amendment to article 1 of the company statutes.
  3. Resignation, appointment, re-election and ratification of resignations and appointment of Directors.
  4. Contract extension of the Auditors.
  5. Faculty to appear before a notary and make available to the general public agreements adopted.
  6. Miscellaneous matters. Questions and answers.
  7. Writing, evaluation, and in its case, approval of the minutes of the meeting

As of from the date of publication, the documents that are subject to approval at the General meeting are available to the shareholders at the registered office, as well as the report of the Auditors of the accounts, the full text of the proposed statutory amendments and supporting documents. The shareholders have the right to obtain immediate and free copy of the above-mentioned documents.

Madrid, May 22, 2017.- the Secretary of the Board of Directors, Fernando Lozano Sánchez


Santiago Rusiñol, 12 · 28040 Madrid (España)

+34 91 411 92 15

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