Month: July 2017
Approval of the new ECA for water in Peru
The new Environmental Quality Standard (Estándar de Calidad Ambiental), ECA for water was published on the 7th of June 2017 under the Peruvian Supreme Decree Nª 004-2017-MINAM (link in Spanish). The new standard is a compilation of previous ECA for w …
Emgrisa collaborates in a study on energy generation in a wastewater treatment plant in Argentina
Emgrisa is participating, in collaboration with the consultancy company ITAC, in the study of alternatives for the financing, construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant in the city of Salta in Argentina. This study is financed by the …
Emgrisa collaborates in the writing of a guide on the management of stockpiles of used tyres
Emgrisa has written the Guide in Spanish on the management of stockpiles of used tyres: Risk prevention, waste management and restauration., in collaboration with the Department of Quality and Environmental Evaluation and Nature of the Spanish Minist …