Month: July 2016
Emgrisa invited to participate in the circular economy mission to Chile
Emgrisa presents its services and experience about circular economy to Chilean businessmen. Businessmen and companies of the environmental sector from 11 countries of the European Union were specifically invited by the Directorate General for Environ …
Emgrisa participates in the 10th Anniversary of the Peruvian public company Activos Mineros
On July 12th 2016, Emgrisa a took part in the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Peruvian administration public enterprise, Activos Mineros, S.A.C. (AMSAC), which took place in the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru. Activos Mineros S.A.C. …
Waste or By-products
According to the Spanish Law 22/2011 of the 28th of July, on Waste and Soil Contamination by-products is any substance or object originated from a production process whose primary purpose was not the production of this substance or object. Conditions …