Month: May 2015
Entry into force of the new European Community legislation on waste
On Monday, 1st of June 2015, the new European Community legislation on waste comes into force, namely: 2014/955/EU Commission Decision of 18 December 2014 amending Decision 2000/532/EC on the list of waste pursuant to Directive 2008/98/EC of the Euro …
Convocatoria junta general ordinaria de accionistas de la sociedad “Empresa para la Gestión de Residuos Industriales S.A.”
Por acuerdo del Órgano de Administración de la sociedad se convoca a los señores accionistas a la Junta General Ordinaria a celebrar en Madrid, en el domicilio social, calle Conde de Peñalver 38, 3ª Planta, Madrid, el día 30 de juniode 2015, a las 10 …
Emgrisa presented its Delegation in Peru
Emgrisa presented its Delegation in Peru in Lima on May 11th (link in Spanish) after just over one year in operation. The presentation was held in a hotel in Lima and was attended by the President of Emgrisa, José Luis González, the Peruvian Vice-Min …
Emgrisa recieves the prize “El Suplemento. 2015” on Environmental management
Emgrisa has received the 2015 prize from “El Suplemento” (link in Spanish) in the category of Environmental Management at a gala held on May 8, 2015 in Madrid. This award recognises the work and activity of our company in the environmental sector and …
El lindano es un isómero del hexaclorociclohexano (HCH). El HCH es una sustancia artificial sintetizada por Faraday, descubridor del benceno, en 1825 mediante la reacción de benceno y cloro en presencia de luz. Existen ocho isómeros principales de HC …
Presentation of Emgrisa in Peru on may 11th, 2015
On May 11th, 2015, Emgrisa in Peru will organise a day of presentation of the company and its delegation to various companies and representatives of the administration in Lima. The President of Emgrisa, Mr. José Luis González Martínez, the General Di …
Aprobación del Real Decreto 180/2015, sobre el traslado de residuos en el interior del Estado
Entra en vigor el Real Decreto 180/2015, de 30 de marzo, por el que se regula el traslado de residuos en el interior del territorio del Estado, con su publicación en el BOE nº 83 el 7 de abril. Con él se pretende desarrollar la aplicación del artícul …