Month: November 2017

Modification of the relation of potentially polluting activities on soil (Annex I of the Royal Decree 9/2005)

On the 9th of November 2017 an Order amending Annex I of the Royal Decree 9/2005, of the 14th of January, which establishes the relationship of potentially contaminating activities and the criteria and standards for the declaration of contaminated so …

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Emgrisa sponsors the 2nd Technology Workshop for the Agriculture Cooperative Sector of the Region of Castilla La Mancha

Emgrisa sponsored the 2nd Workshop for the Diffusion of Technological Innovation in the Agriculture Cooperative Sector of Castilla La Mancha – jornada DICA in Spanish –  that was organised by Solagro Partner Engineers and the Union of Agricultural Co …

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Date limit for the constitution of the financial security of activities referred to in the law of environmental responsibility

On the 30th of October 2017 the Official State Bulletin (B.O.E.) published the APM Order 1040/2017 (link in Spanish) of the 23rd of October through which it sets the date limit for the compulsory constitution of the financial security. After this dat …

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